Charleston SC Real Estate
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Contact Eve Olasov REALTOR® for assistance or to plan a tour. 843 345 8267
Charleston Area Homes for sale
The Greater Charleston, SC, area has emerged as one of the nation’s leading “places to live.” With its diverse culture and historic architecture peppered with art galleries, churches, and so many terrific restaurants, it’s hard to experience all of them. Charleston real estate is just as exciting, from the beaches and resorts of Kiawah and Seabrook Islands to our highly touted waterfront neighborhoods. More than a few notable “best neighborhoods” can be found in our Historic District in Downtown Charleston, South of Broad, Mount Pleasant, Daniel Island, Johns Island, Isle of Palms, James Island, and Summerville, SC.
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Luxury Real Estate
Charleston, SC, is known for its high-end properties on the beaches, inside the historic district, and nearby gated waterfront golf course communities. Just look at the current offerings and let us know which areas you would like to learn more about. Yes, it’s fun to look at the most luxurious properties, but it’s even more important to dream about your dream home! At Luxury Land and Homes, we believe dreams are important and can come true. View the top 20 most expensive homes for sale in Charleston.
Top 20 Luxury Homes
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